An unbiased sounding board is required by CEO / Founders on regular basis for various important matters. Partnering with company CEO / Founders, we provide insightful analysis that drives effective strategic decisions, leading to profitable growth of the company.

Some important business decision making support services we provide include;

Profit Improvement

  • Have Key Performance Indicators (KPI) defined and tracked
  • Review operational contracts for risks and opportunities
  • Rationalize P&L (external and internal benchmarking)
  • Develop business case concept for major initiatives
  • Interest cost optimization

Insightful and timely Reporting and Analysis

  • Set up processes for timely, detailed and insightful MIS reports and dashboards
  • Track P&L metrics along with Key Performance Indictors (KPIs) weekly /monthly
  • Analyze actuals vs Business Plan (understand things working or requiring corrective action)

Cash flow management

  • Assets and Liabilities analysis
  • Cash flow from operations deep dive
  • Enforcing Credit risk and operational P&L best practices
  • Capital Structure review

Contact our Advisor for business decision making support